On 17 April 2009, The Inland Revenue Board (IRB) has released the 3rd Addendum Public Ruling on Benefits In Kind.
In relation to that, the taxpayers are entitled for tax exemption for the following:
(a) Discounted price for products or services purchased from employer
(b) Monthly telephone or broadband services provided by employer
(c) Traditional medical treatment paid by employer
(d) Exemption on petrol value
As the Public Ruling was issued closing to the tax filing deadline of 30 April 2009, IRB has requested the taxpayers to inform the IRB Branch and submit the revised tax return form which incorporated the tax exemption mentioned above.
Tax exemption is always welcome but amendment of rules and legislation should be timely. In this incident, the IRB has created unnecessary hassle for the taxpayers in completing the revised tax return form.
We need to be competitive and the tax administration should not be expected to cause hassle to the taxpayers or businesses. It should be friendly and hassle free.
We appeal to the government to speed up the effort in improving the delivery system so that we are more competitive as compare to other Asean countries.